systems and party systems . Arend Lijphart
Introduction: Goals and Methods
EXCEPT in very small communities, democracy necessarily means representative
democracy in which elected officials make decisions on behalf of the people.
How are these representatives elected? This indispensable task in representative
democracies is performed by the electoral system-the set of methods for
translating the citizens' votes into representatives' seats. Thus the electoral
system is the most fundamental element of representative democracy.
The aim of this book is to analyse the operation and the political consequences
of electoral systems, especially the degree of proportionality of their
translation of votes into seats and their effects on party systems. My emphasis
will be on the electoral systems that have been used in the world's most
successful democracies-that is, those that have been in existence for a
long time- most of which are European democracies. I shall describe the
electoral systems in terms of their three most basic properties: the electoral
formula (such as plurality, the different forms of proportional representation,
and so on), the district magnitude (the number of representatives elected
per district), and the electoral threshold (the minimum support that a party
needs to obtain in order to be represented). These three elements, which
will be denned more precisely later on, together with the size of the representative
body, will be shown to have major consequences, especially for proportionality
but also for party systems.
The number of electoral systems is, in principle, infinite; the number of
systems that democratic engineers and reformers have proposed is much smaller;
and the number that have been in actual use is smaller still. I shall try
to show that there is neither as much variation in electoral systems nor
as much complexity as is otten assumed. In particular, systems of proportional
representation-to which I shall henceforth refer as PR-are often thought
as inherently complicated; newspaper articles reporting on PR
2 Introduction: Goals and
elections almost automatically call the PR system being used a "complex
form of PR'! In fact, with only a few exceptions, PR systems can be classified
and described in relatively simple and straightforward terms. One of the
reasons for the unnecessary confusion surrounding electoral systems is
that both electoral engineers and students of electoral systems have used
confused terminologies-with the same term sometimes being used for different
practices and the same practice referred to by different terms. I shall
try to clarify and simplify the basic terms, and I shall present the principal
properties of the various electoral systems in clearly defined categories
so as to facilitate comparisons among them as well as the systematic testing
of their political
This analysis covers the electoral systems used in twenty-seven democracies
from 1945 to 1990-that is, those used in the vast majority of the free
and democratic parliamentary elections (at the national level in countries
larger than mini-states) that have ever been conducted. Of the twenty-seven
democracies, twenty-four are the world's most durable democracies with
a history of free elections without major interruptions since 1945 or
shortly thereafter. They are the four most populous countries of Western
Europe (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy), the five Nordic
states (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland), the three Benelux
states (The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg), four other smaller
democracies (Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, and Malta), and eight countries
outside Europe (the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Israel, India,
Japan, Australia,
and New Zealand).
To these I added Spain, Portugal, and Greece, although they do not qualify
under the criterion of long-term and uninterrupted democracy.2 On the
other hand, they have been democratic since the mid-1970s and are generally
judged to be stable and consolidated democracies; moreover, it seems appropriate
to consider them alongside the other West European democracies. Malta
is another somewhat doubtful case for inclusion since it did not become
independent until 1964, but it did conduct free
Introduction: Goals and
Methods 3
universal-suffrage elections as an internally self-governing territory
from 1947. It also offers the advantage of providing a second example,
in addition to Ireland, of ^e unusual single transferable vote (STV) form
of PR. Finally, a practical advantage of including Malta as well as Spain,
Portugal, ^nd Greece is that their election data are available in the
Internati^^ Almanac of Electoral History, the handbook that serves as
the major source of election data for this study.3
As the year in which the Seeoi^ y^ld War ended, 1945 is a conventional
starling-point for studies in the social sciences- It is especially appropriate
for this stu^y because, prior to 1945, many of the countries listed above
were not democratic or democratic for only a short period (such as Germany,
Italy, and Japan), not yet independent (India and Israel ^ ^ ^ have fully
democratic elections with universal suffrage g^ce women did not have the
right to vote (France and B^g^^ 0^ course, even after 1945, two of our
countries contin^ ^ have serious restrictions on the right to vote: the
United States until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 and Switzerland
until the adoption of women's voting rights in 1971. Most of our countries
conducted elections in 1945 or 1946; for the others, the starling-point
is the first election after 1945 followed ^y an uninterrupted period of
regular free elections lasting until ^e end of 1990.
The year 1990 was chosen as the ^nd of the period under analysis for practical
reasons-the availably ^ accurate and comparable election data. However,
three el^^g ^eld before the end of 1990-the November 1989 electi^ ^ ^-^
^ ^e December 1990 elections in Germany and Denmark-could not be included
because the necessary election information was still missing when the
data analysis had passed a ci-ii^ai point. There may also be some symbolic
significance in ending ^e analysis just prior to the 1990 all-German election
because ^is was an election in a partly
new and different country and, ev^n more significantly, it marked the
end of the post-Second Worl<j y^. ^
The electoral systems to be analy^ ^e those for national lower-^ouse elections
(or, in the case of Unicameral parliaments, the elec-"ons of the
one chamber) in the co^tnes and the period indicated.
and T^8 that a11 other nationa' (upper-house and presidential) "a
ail subnational elections are excluded, even when they are
^'rect popular elections. The only exception is that, for the twelve moers
of the European Corr^^y the elections to the
4 Introduction: Goals and
Methods ;
European Parliament are included. For the purpose of this analy-
sis, I am treating the European Parliament as a set of national
mini-parliaments. This does not represent a correct view of the actual
operation of the European Parliament, but it is an accurateinterpretation
of the way it is elected-by twelve different elec- toral systems that
are generally much more closely related to the twelve national parliamentary
electoral systems than they are to
each other. Vernon Bogdanor writes that even the third cycle of
European elections, held in 1989, again 'proved to be, as in 1979
and 1984, primarily an arena for a set of national contests'.4 And
Hermann Schmitt cites survey data showing that most voters con-
tinue to think of the parties competing for election to the Euro-
pean Parliament as national parties, and that they would also 'prefer
to have parties in the European Parliament structured along na- tional
rather than on political-ideological lines'.5
In addition to enriching the data base for this study, the inclusion of
the Euro-elections has two special advantages. First, it provides examples
of the election of relatively small representative bodies: all of the
twelve countries have European Parliament delegationsthat are considerably
smaller than the lower or only chambers of their national parliaments.
Second, it offers good opportunities -5 for controlled comparison, because
for most countries the elec- toral systems for the national parliaments
and for the national
mini-parliaments in the European Parliament resemble each other closely
but are not completely identical.
Table 1.1 lists the 350 parliamentary and 34 Euro-elections that form
the empirical basis of this comparative study. In almost all
cases, all the votes cast and all seats at stake in an election are
included in the analysis. However, I made a few exceptions to this
general rule in order to make the comparisons of votes and seats
as accurate as possible. For instance, I excluded all uncontested
seats for which no votes were cast or recorded (mainly in coun- tries
with majoritarian election systems but also in Ireland and Switzerland)
and seats filled by indirect election (the West Berlin representatives
in the Bundestag and in the European Parliament).
In order not to confuse the effects of different electoral systems,
I excluded the few STV districts (both votes and seats) from Bri-
tish elections, which have been mainly plurality elections; the four
two-member and three-member STV districts in the 1945 parlia-
oTV mentary election and the Northern Ireland three-member a^
^ ^ -a ^o0 ls j district
used for the 1979, 1984, and 1989 Euro-e lections. I also
r0 ^ f
w j In contrast with Douglas W. Rae's classic study, in which elections
serve as the units of analysis,6 my cases are seventy electoral systems,
defined as sets of essentially unchanged election rules under which one
or more successive elections are conducted. Elections held under the same
electoral system are regarded as repeated observations of the operation
of a single electoral system. For instance, Finland provides only one
electoral system under which its thirteen parliamentary elections were
held, whereas Germany i provides six different electoral systems, four
Bundestag and two ^ European Parliament systems, that guided its total
of fourteen ?i j elections.
I, My variables are the basic characteristics of electoral systems, j
measures of disproportionality, and measures of multipartism and ^ E of
the production of majority parties. I follow two basic multivariate >o
| approaches. One is a comparable-cases strategy that concentrates ;
on within-country variations when more than one electoral system ' is
used in the same country; this permits the examination of the ^ effect
of changing one aspect of an electoral system while the : system remains
the same in other respects. Additionally, the effect [ of small changes
within electoral systems-changes that are not M ^ | sufficiently important
to signify changes of the electoral system- I will be examined.
^ The second basic strategy relies on a cross-sectional research ^ !.
design in which cross-tabulations as well as multiple correlation ^ e
and regression are applied to the seventy electoral systems. How-S J ^er,
what is an advantage for the first strategy-having attractive " ,^
^rnparable cases in the form of more than one electoral system
oa .J r ln tne ^me country-presents somewhat of a problem for the
-5 t J ^ond strategy, because it means that some of the cases are not
^ H I "ipletely independent- For this reason, 1 shall also present
analysis of fifty-three, instead of seventy, cases by combining those
electoral systems in the same country where such a combination is at all
possible and justifiable.
A different but at least equally crucial aspect of my research strategy
was the combination of a collaborative project with, as its product, a
single-authored book. Experts on, and usually in, each of the twenty-seven
countries, supplied me with vital information, interpretation, and feedback
on the rules and operation of their countries' electoral systems. My goal
was to find the optimal mix of the pooled wisdom provided by joint scholarship
with the consistency of having one author and researcher-in-chief-
Finally, a major methodological goal of this book is to promote replication.
As the following chapters will repeatedly show, a host of important decisions
must be made with regard to classification, measurement, and other methodological
matters. I shall always explicitly defend my choices, and, in many instances,
I shall also show the results that would have been yielded if different
measures and methods had been used. But I want to make it as easy as possible
for my readers to reanalyse the data according to the alternatives that
they prefer. For this purpose, all of the basic data are easily available.
The detailed characteristics of the seventy electoral systems are given
in the tables of Chapter 2. The measures of disproportionality and multipartism
for the same seventy electoral systems are listed in Appendix B. If readers
want to do a more thorough replication, they can obtain the disproportionality
and multipartism measures for each of the 384 elections from the author.7
Finally, all of the raw election data may be found in a few easily accessible
sources: the International Almanac of Electoral History together with
the 1989 and 1990 updates in the European Journal of Political Research
(for all of the countries except India and Costa Rica) and the two volumes
Europe Voles 2 and Europe Voles 3 (for the European Parliament elections).8
Appendix C contains a list of corrections and clarifications concerning
these data as well as the election figures for India and Costa Rica.
Chapter 2 will give a detailed description and classification of th seventy
electoral systems. It will also highlight general patterns
(such as the high frequency
of the use of list PR and of the d'Hondt formula) and general trends (such
as the increasing use of more proportional methods and the increasing
use of two-tier districting systems). Chapter 3 will examine the concepts
of electoral disproportionality, multipartism, and majority-party generation,
and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different operational
measures that have been proposed. How to measure disproportionality presents
the most serious problem, but I shall show not only that my preferred
measure-Michael Gallagher's least-squares index-offers a good solution,
but also that values of the different measures advocated by other scholars
correlate highly with those of the least-squares measure.
The next three chapters examine the relationships between the electoral
system variables, disproportionality, multipartism, and majority-party
generation. Chapter 4 does so by examining within-country variation, and
Chapter 5 by means of a cross-sectional design. Chapter 6 extends the
analysis by examining the potential explanatory power of four additional
elements of electoral systems: ballot structure, malapportionment, presidentialism,
and apparentement. My main conclusions will be that, of the five dependent
variables, disproportionality is the one that can be explained best in
terms of the electoral system characteristics, and that the strongest
explanation of the various dependent variables is provided by what I shall
call the 'effective threshold', a combination of district magnitude and
electoral thresholds. The effect of the electoral system on multipartism
is more modest but still very important, and the explanatory power of
the other electoral system variables-the electoral formula, assembly size,
apparentement, ballot structure, and presidentialism-is also more modest
but, again, not at all negligible. Chapter 7 will conclude by examining
some of the practical lessons that electoral engineers and reformers can
learn from my findings.
Electoral Systems: Types, Patterns, Trends
THE foremost purpose of this book is to analyse the political effects
of electoral systems. The first step that needs to be taken towards that
goal is the description and classification of the electoral systems. This
is usually done in terms of the different 'dimensions' of electoral systems-a
practice that I shall also adopt for the description of the seventy electoral
systems of our twenty-seven countries between 1945 and 1990 in the bulk
of this chapter. The last three sections will deal with the empirical
relations between the dimensions and with general patterns and trends
in the development of electoral systems.
There is broad agreement among electoral system experts that the two most
important dimensions of electoral systems, with major consequences for
the proportionality of election outcomes and for party systems, are the
electoral formula and the district magnitude.' Three main types of electoral
formulas and a large number of subtypes within each of these are usually
distinguished: majoritar-ian formulas (with plurality, two-ballot systems,
and the alternative vote as the main subtypes), PR (classified further
into largest remainders, highest averages, and single transferable vote
formulas), and semi-proportional systems (such as the cumulative vote
and the limited vote). The purpose of the introduction of PR "1 many
countries was to achieve greater proportionality and better minority representation
than the earlier majoritarian electoral
methods had produced-
District magnitude is defined as the number of representatives
elected in a district (constituency). One of the best-known findings
of Douglas W. Rae's 1967
study The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws-the first systematic
comparative analysis of the effects of electoral systems on disproportionality
and multipartism, which has been a major source of inspiration for this
book-was the extremely strong influence of district magnitude.2 Rae modestly
attributes this proposition to James Hogan who wrote in 1945: 'the decisive
point in P.R. is the size [magnitude] of the constituencies: the larger
the constituency, that is, the greater the number of members which it
elects, the more closely will the result approximate to proportionality.'3
And twenty years earlier, George Horwill had already referred to district
magnitude as 'the all-important factor'.4
In PR systems, proportionality-and the chances for small parties to gain
representation-are necessarily very limited when there are only two or
three representatives per district, but increase dramatically when magnitude
increases. In countries with multi-member districts, district magnitude
tends to vary; in this study, therefore, magnitude will usually refer
to the average district magnitude. It can be calculated very simply by
dividing the total number of seats in the legislature (to which I shall
henceforth refer as the assembly size) by the number of districts. Because
of the importance of this dimension, all three variables-average magnitude,
number of districts, and assembly size-will be listed for each electoral
system in the tables in this chapter that provide the basic information
on our seventy electoral systems. As will be discussed shortly, assembly
size is also an important factor in its own right.
One complication with regard to magnitude is that there may be two, or
even more, levels of districts; for instance, a country with PR elections
may be divided into, say, ten or twenty electoral districts, but may also
have a national district that is superimposed on the lower-level districts.
This type of system, for which Rae has coined the term 'complex districting',5
will be explained in due course.
Another important dimension of electoral systems is the electoral mreshold,
that is, a minimum level of support which a party needs in order to gain
representation. If the electoral law provides for ^ch a threshold, it
is usually applied at the national level (indicated by N in the tables),
but it may also be imposed at the district t"). or at an in-between,
regional (R) level, and the minimum
a^ oe denned in terms of a certain number of votes, a percentage
of the votes, or some other
criterion such as the winning of at least one seat in a lower-level district
in order to be eligible for seats in
the higher-level district.
Not all electoral systems have such legal thresholds-in fact, most do
not-but, as Rein Taagepera and Matthew S. Shugart have pointed out, even
in the absence of an explicit legal threshold, an actual threshold is
implied by the other two dimensions of the electoral system, especially
by district magnitude.6 Low magnitudes have the same effect as high thresholds:
both limit proportionality and the opportunities for small parties to
win seats; as magnitudes increase and thresholds decrease, proportionality
and the chances for small parties improve. In other words, legal thresholds
and district magnitudes can be seen as two sides of the same coin. Accordingly,
I shall often treat these two dimensions as one variable. All magnitudes
and legal thresholds can be converted into a single operational indicator:
the effective threshold, stated in terms of a percentage of the total
national vote. How the effective threshold is calculated will be explained
The fourth major dimension on which this study will focus is assembly
size-that is, the total number of seats in the legislature. Rae calls
attention to this 'generally neglected variable', but he does not enter
it into his empirical analysis.7 Its effect has not been studied systematically
by other electoral system analysts either, perhaps because they have tended
to see it as a factor external to the electoral system, that is, as merely
a characteristic of legislatures elected according to particular electoral
systems rather than as a characteristic of electoral systems as such.
However, if electoral systems are defined as methods of translating votes
into seats. the total numbers of seats available for this translation
appears to be an integral and legitimate part of the systems of translation.
In any case, there can be no doubt that assembly size can have a strong
influence on proportionality and on the degree of multi-partism. For instance,
if four parties win 41, 29,17, and 13 per cent of the national vote in
a PR election-to use the example that I shall also use in Appendix A to
illustrate the operation of different PR formulas-there is no way in which
the allocation of seats can be handled with a high degree of proportionality
if the election is to a mini-legislature with only five seats; the chances
of a proportional allocation improve considerably for a ten-member legislature;
and perfect proportionality could be achieved, at least u*
principle, for a 100-member
legislative body. Of course, the same pattern theoretically applies to
non-PR systems as well, but since these systems do not even aim at proportionality,
the hypothesis that assembly size may have a significant additional effect
on their degree of disproportionality may seem less plausible. Nevertheless,
Taagepera has found that, in plurality elections, the degree of disproportionality
does tend to increase, all other factors being equal, as the size of the
legislature decreases.8 In short, there is ample theoretical Justification
to include assembly size as one of the important dimensions of electoral
As already stated in the previous chapter, I define an electoral system
as a set of essentially unchanged election rules under which one or more
successive elections are conducted in a particular democracy. This definition
can now be refined by stating it in terms of the four major dimensions
of electoral systems: if there is a significant change on one or more
of the four dimensions, this means that a new electoral system must be
distinguished. A further refinement is needed in order to define precisely
what counts as significant change. The electoral formula is a discrete
hence any change in the formula can be recognized easily and will be regarded
as a significant change. In two-tier districting systems, the criterion
will be a change in formula at what I shall define later as the decisive
tier. However, since the other three dimensions are continuous variables,
exact cut-off points have to be specified.
For all three, I propose a 20 per cent criterion: 20 per cent or greater
change in district magnitude (in two-tiered districting systems, the magnitude
at the more important upper level will be counted), 20 per cent or more
change in the national legal threshold (or the adoption of such a threshold
where none existed before), and 20 per cent or greater change in assembly
size. For instance, a change in legal threshold from 5 to 6 or more, in
district magnitude from 10 to 12 or more, or in assembly size from 200
to ^40 or more (or the other way around) will be regarded as changes lhat
create a different electoral system.9 This criterion is neces-^nly arbitrary;
cut-off points anywhere between 10 per cent and 5 P" ^nt would also
be reasonable and legitimate. By selecting
e Natively high value of 20 per cent, I am deliberately opting 0 e""
on the side of caution; in particular, [ want to avoid artifi-y inflating
the number of cases (electoral systems) for the
analysis by creating two
or more cases that are too strongly alike and that really should be treated
as a single case. Chapters 4 and 5 will examine, respectively, the effects
of changes within electoral systems and of changes in a smaller set of
cases generated by combining relatively similar cases; in other words,
these analyses will first relax and then tighten the 20 per cent criterion,
and will therefore provide a check of whether 20 per cent is too strict
or too lenient as the cut-off point.
The above four dimensions provide the framework for the description and
classification of the seventy electoral systems in this chapter and will
also be the main independent variables in the analysis of the effects
of these electoral systems in Chapters 4 and 5. In addition, I shall pay
some attention to four minor, but not necessarily negligible, aspects
of electoral systems and test their political consequences: ballot structure,
malapportionment, the difference between legislative elections in parliamentary
and in presidential systems, and the possibility of linked lists.
First, ballot structure is one of Rae's three basic dimensions of electoral
systems along with formula and magnitude. (Rae does not consider thresholds
and assembly size.) Ballot structure can be either categorical, if the
voter can give his or her vote to one party only, which is the case in
most electoral systems, or ordinal if the voter can divide his or her
vote among two or more parties. (The term 'ordinal ballot structure' is
somewhat misleading because it includes, but is not limited to, systems
in which voters rank order two or more parties.) Rae hypothesizes that
ordinal ballots, by allowing vote dispersion, may encourage multipartism,
but finds that his evidence (for twenty countries in the period from 1945
to 1964) contradicts his hypothesis-10 However, since the hypothesis is
not implausible, it is worth retesting it against the much broader empirical
evidence of our seventy electoral systems.
Second, in his recent analysis of the proportional or dispropof"
tional effects of different electoral formulas, Michael Gallaghs1' rightly
warns his readers that other dimensions of electoral systems
may also affect the degree
of proportionality of election outcomes:
in addition to district magnitude and thresholds (he does not mention
the factor of assembly size), he points to 'the possibility of malapportionment'."
In single-member district systems, malapportionment means that the districts
have substantially unequal voting populations; malapportioned multi-member
districts have magnitudes that are not commensurate with their voting
populations. Obviously, malapportionment may systematically favour one
or more parties and therefore contribute to electoral disproportionality.
Malapportionment often takes the form of rural or regional overrepresentation.
It has not been a serious problem in most of our long-term democracies
during the post-Second World War era, but its possible influence is also
worth testing.
Third, Shugart has shown that presidential systems can have an important
effect on legislative elections if presidential elections are by plurality
and if legislative elections are held at the same time: large parties
have an advantage in presidential races since smaller parties do not have
much of a chance to have one of their candidates elected, and this advantage
tends to carry over into the legislative elections.12 Hence, presidentiatism
tends to discourage multipartism. Because our set of countries includes
only two presidential systems (the United States and Costa Rica), it does
not offer an optimal opportunity to test this hypothesis, but semi-presidential
systems (France, Finlaflnd, and Portugal) and parliamentary systems with
directly elected presidents (Austria, Iceland, and Ireland) may be hypothesized
to have similar effects.
The fourth variable that I shall examine pertains especially to PR systems
in which voters choose among competing party lists. In several of these,
parties are allowed formally to link or connect their lists, which means
that their combined vote total will be used in the initial allocation
of seats. A set of such inter-party connected lists is usually referred
to by the French term apparenlemenl. As Andrew McLaren Carstairs has pointed
out, since almost all electoral systems, including PR, in practice favour
the larger parties o some extent, 'the question of whether or not apparentement
is Permitted can be of great importance to the smaller parties'.13 ^al
other electoral systems have features that are functionally o ^^nt to
appareniemenl. Along with ballot structure, mal-Pportionment, and presidentialism.
it will be tested in Chapter 6.
Table 2.1 lists the twelve majoriiarian election systems that have operated
in seven of our countries during the 1945-90 period. Six of these countries
used only majoritarian electoral systems, and the basic facts concerning
their entire electoral system history is contained in the table: Canada,
New Zealand, and the United States used the same system throughout the
period, and Australia, India, and the United Kingdom, while undergoing
a significant change on one dimension, stayed within the confines of majoritarianism.
France is the only country in the table with only two (of its six) electoral
systems in Table 2.1.
When countries have used two or more systems, they are numbered in chronological
order; for instance, IND1 is the first system used in India in the 1952
and 1957 elections, and IND2 is the Indian system for the elections from
1962 to 1984; and the two French systems are labelled FRA3 and FRA6 because
two non-majoritarian systems occurred before FRA3 and again between FRA3
and FRA6. For countries with European Parliament elections (all of which
took place at the end of our period, between 1979 and 1989), these Euro-election
systems are identified by their chronological numbers and also, for the
sake of maximum clarity, by the letter 'E\ For example, UK1 is the system
for House of Commons elections and UK2E the system for electing British
representatives to the European Parliament. I shall use the same conventions
in the tables for PR and other electoral systems later on in this chapter.
Furthermore, all of these tables will also list the number of elections
in each electoral system and the time-span during which these elections
took place (in the second column).
Two further general conventions will be used in order to make these tables
as clear and informative as possible. One is that all integers indicate
exact and unchanging numbers; all other numbers indicate averages. For
instance, the district magnitudes of 1 In Table 2.1 mean that in these
electoral systems all districts in aU elections were, without exception,
single-member districts, whereas the three district magnitudes of 1.00
indicate the use of some, but very few, two-member or multi-member districts.
Second, it is noted which entries indicate approximations. An example
is the plurality
formula for US House of Representatives elections; this has indeed been
the usual formula, but the majority-runoff method has also been used (in
Louisiana, where the first stage of the election is referred to as the
'non-partisan primary', and in Georgia). All values of the effective threshold
in Table 2.1 are also indicated as approximations; the reasons for using
these approximations and the definition of the term 'effective threshold'
will be given later on during the discussion of PR systems. (It is also
worth recalling the exclusions specified in Table 1.1; in particular,
the numbers of districts and the assembly sizes are based on contested
seats only.)
Of the many majoritarian formulas that exist in theory, Table 2.1 shows
that only three have been in actual use in our set of countries between
1945 and 1990: plurality, majority-plurality, and the alternative vote.14
The plurality formula-often also called the first-past-the-post (FPTP)
or relative majority method-stipulates that, in single-member districts,
voters can cast one vote each and that the candidate with the most votes
wins. (In two-member districts, voters have two votes and the two candidates
with the most votes win; and so on.) Five countries have used plurality
and have used it almost without exceptions: Canada, India, New Zealand,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.15
The French Fifth Republic provides the only instance of the two-ballot
majority-plurality formula. Here the rule is that a majority (that is,
an absolute majority-more than half of the valid votes) is required for
election on the first ballot; if the first ballot does not produce a winner,
a second ballot is conducted and the candidate with the most votes wins,
even if he or she wins only a plurality of the votes. The second ballot
can have more than two candidates, but the usual second-ballot pattern
in France is a con-te'st between two principal candidates, because the
weakest candidates are forced to withdraw and other candidates may withdraw
voluntarily in favour of stronger candidates of allied parties. However,
the majority-plurality formula should be distinguished from the majority-runoff
in which the second round of the election is restricted to the top two
candidates from the first round; it may therefore be characterized as
the majority-majority formula, "1 contrast with the French majority-plurality
method. The majority-runoff has not been used in our set of countries
for legislative elections (with the small exception of some US Congressional
elections, noted above), but it is used for direct presidential elections
in France, Portugal, and Austria.16
Australia is the only country that has used the alternative vote. Voters
are asked to list the candidates in order of their preference. If a candidate
receives an absolute majority of first preferences, he or she is elected;
if not, the weakest candidate is eliminated, and his or her ballots are
redistributed among the remaining candidates according to these ballots'
second preferences; this process continues until a majority winner emerges.
As a simple example, let us assume that there are four candidates {A,
5, C, and D) receiving, respectively, 41, 29, 17, and 13 per cent of the
voters' first preferences; since no candidate has received a majority
of the first preferences, candidate D is eliminated. Let us further assume
that the second preferences on D's ballots are for C; this means that,
after the second round of counting, C now has 30 per cent of the vote,
A 41 per cent, and B 29 per cent. B is therefore eliminated next, and
in the third round of counting, the contest is between A and C-one of
whom will be the winner. The alternative vote, which in Australia is usually
referred to as 'preferential voting', may be thought of as a refinement
of the majority-runoff formula in (he sense that weak candidates are eliminated
one at a time (instead of all but the top two candidates at the same time)
and that voters do not have to go to the polls twice.17
The plurality systems are listed first in Table 2.1 (followed by majority-plurality
and alternative vote) and, within the plurality group, the systems are
listed in decreasing order of district magnitude. The most striking characteristic
of these magnitudes is that, with the exception of the first Indian system,
they are either exactly 1 or very close to 1; that is, single-member districts
have been the rule and two-member or larger multi-member districts ^ry
infrequent exceptions. The only instance of substantial numbers of larger
than single-member districts occurred in the 1952 and 1957 Indian elections:
slightly more than a third of the ^eats were in two-member districts (and
in one three-member "'strict in 1952). The next on the list is Canada,
which had two
wo-member districts in the nine elections from 1945 to 1968, aiding an
average district magnitude for all fifteen elections of
'gntly less than 1.005, rounded to 1.00 in Table 2.1. The United
lh^ ^s had between one and ^ree two-member districts in Congressional
elections from 1946 to 1968-as welt as one
eight-member district in
1962 (the state of Alabama)-for an overall average magnitude of 1.003.'8
And the United Kingdom had fifteen two-member districts in 1945, yielding
an average magnitude of 1.002 for all of its post-war parliamentary elections.
As the foregoing already implies, it is also striking that all larger
than single-member districts were abolished everywhere: in the United
Kingdom after the 1945 election, in India after 1957, and both in Canada
and in the United States after 1968. From 1970 on, only single-member
districts survived.
All majoritarian systems make it difficult for small parties to gain representation
(unless they are geographically concentrated), because they need to win
majorities or pluralities of the vote in electoral districts. For this
reason, all majoritarian systems tend to systematically favour the larger
parties, to produce disproportional election outcomes, and to discourage
multipartism-19 District magnitudes larger than 1 tend to reinforce these
tendencies; at the extreme, a single at-large (nation-wide) district would,
assuming strict party-tine voting, give all legislative seats to the plurality
or majority party. For instance, if the 435 members of the US House of
Representatives were elected in one 435-member district, with each voter
having 435 votes and casting these votes for either 435 Democratic or
435 Republican candidates, the House would end up consisting of either
435 Democrats or 435 Republicans. It is therefore a very important characteristic
of the majoritarian systems in Table 2.1 that they are largely single-member
district systems. Single-member districts do not make majoritarian systems
into proportional ones, but they do limit the degree of dispro-portionality.
The exact degrees of disproportionality and of the discouragement of multipartism
that remains will be analysed in Chapters 4 and 5.
Given the prevalence of single-member districts, the number of districts
in all majoritarian election systems is large-in fact, equal or almost
equal to the assembly size in most cases. In most countries, the size
of the assembly has remained very stable, especially in the United States
where a membership of 435 Re' presentatives was maintained throughout
the period with the exception of the two elections after the admission
of Hawaii and Alaska when it was temporarily raised to 437. At the other
extreme, Australia's House of Representatives doubled in size fro01 1946
to the late 1980s. France's National Assembly was expanded
by about 17 per cent from the 1981 two-ballot election to the 1986 PR
contest, and the larger size was retained when the double-ballot was readopted
for the 1988 election.
Finally, since majoritarian election systems are inherently unfavourable
for small parties, they do not need-and generally do not use-legal thresholds.
The one exception, as Table 2.1 shows, is the threshold that French election
law has set for access to the second ballot. In 1958 and 1962, candidates
with less than 5 per cent of the district vote in the first round were
barred from the second ballot; this was raised to 10 per cent of the eligible
electorate (approximately 13 per cent of the valid votes) for the next
three elections and to 12.5 per cent, again of the eligible voters (about
17 per cent of the valid votes), before the 1978 election. However, both
in France and in the other majoritarian systems, parties need many more
votes in order to get elected to the legislature in significant numbers
and not to be severely underrep-resented. For this reason, I estimate
the 'effective threshold'-a term to be denned more precisely in the next
section-for all majoritarian systems to be about 35 per cent.
PR systems are the most common type of electoral systems; fifty-two of
our total of seventy-almost three-fourths-unambiguously fit this category.
Moreover, as I shall show later, the remaining six "on-PR and non-majoritarian
systems (in Japan, Greece, and France) are closer to PR than to majoritarian
systems and five (in Japan and Greece) can be interpreted as PR systems.
I shall present the fifty-two straightforward PR systems in four tables,
two for the ^ngle-tier and two for the two-tier systems.
Table 2.2 lists the systems that, within the PR family, are the ^ost common:
those using one-tier districting and the d'Hondt "rmula. What was
said about the majoritarian formulas also applies
l0 Pi? f
*"o rormulas: many more have been invented-and even more ca"
be imagined-than are in actual use- In addition to the most _equemly used
d'Hondt formula, only six PR formulas (and a few
lern closely "^"^le these) have been used in all of the PR sys-s
during the 1945-90 period: modified Sainte-Lague (which,
like d'Hondt, is a highest
averages or divisor system), four largest remainders or quota systems
(using the Hare. Droop, and two Imperial; quotas), and the single transferable
vote (STV, which always uses the Droop quota). +he highest averages and
largest remainders (LR) systems are list PR systems in which voters vote
for lists of candidates (although they may also be able to express a preference
for one or more candidates within their preferred list), in contrast with
STV in which they cast a preferential vote for individual candidates.
Among the highest averages formulas, the d'Hondt method (which uses the
divisor series 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) is the least proportional and systematically
favours the larger parties. It contrasts with the pure Sainte-Lague formula
(using the odd-integer divisor series 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.) which approximates
proportionality very closely and treats large and small parties in a perfectly
even-handed way. In practice, the Sainte-Lague formula is used only in
a modified form in which the first divisor is raised from 1 to 1.4, thereby
making it harder for small parties to gain their first seats-and hence
reducing the proportionality of the election result to some extent.20
The oldest and best known of the LR systems uses the Hare quota, which
is the total number of valid votes cast (V) divided by the district magnitude
(M, the number of seats available in the district): V/M.21 Parties are
given as many seats as they have won quotas, and any remaining seats are
given to the parties with the largest remainders of votes. The Hare quota
is impartial as between small and large parties and tends to yield closely
proportional results. Less proportional outcomes are produced by the Droop
quota which divides the votes by M+l, the normal Imperiali quota which
uses M + 2, and the reinforced Imperiali quota which uses M + 3 as the
denominator. The use of these lower quotas means that there will be fewer
remaining seats to be allocated- and hence also more wastage of remaining
votes, which is especially "armful to the smaller parties and results
in a decrease in proportionality. The Imperiali quotas are so low that
there will often "ot be any remaining seats. Whenever the quota is
lowered to such an extent that all seats can be assigned without the use
of remaining voles, the outcome becomes exactly the same as that of '"c
d-Hondt formula.22
" ^ a preferential rather than a list system but, if voters
cast mainly party-line
votes or if most of the inter-party crossover votes offset each other-a
simplifying but not unrealistic assumption-its results can be compared
to those of LR. All STV systems need to select a quota that elects a candidate
and, in principle, any of the quotas discussed above could be used. In
practice, however, STV systems invariably use the Droop quota.
To sum up, as far as their effects on the proportionality of the electoral
outcome and on multipartism are concerned, the differences cul across
the broad categories of divisor, quota, and STV systems. The d'Hondt and
LR-Imperiali systems are the least proportional and systematically favour
the larger parties; modified Sainte-Lague, LR-Droop, and STV form an intermediate
and LR-Hare is the most proportional formula. These tendencies are explained
in greater detail in Appendix A, which also provides more detailed descriptions
and examples of the operation of the
different formulas.
By definition, PR requires multi-member districts, that is, a
district magnitude of at least 2 seats.23 In order to achieve a minimum
of proportionality, however, the magnitude should be considerably larger
than 2 and, as argued in the beginning of this chapter, magnitude impacts
the degree of proportionality and the chances for small parties very strongly.
Table 2.2 presents the twenty-one d'Hondt single-tier districting systems
in increasing order of magnitude. The smallest average magnitude among
these systems is above 5 seats, in the immediate post-war French elections,
but magnitudes vary greatly-up to 150 seats in the Netherlands since 1956.
About half have the maximum magnitude allowed by their assembly size:
a single at-large (nation-wide) district. This means that they combine
the least proportional formula with the most proportional magnitude, In
the case of Luxembourg's Euro-elections, the magnitude is still only 6
seats, since only a total of 6 seats are available in this 'assembly'-the
smallest assembly size among all of our electoral systems. However, the
other ten systems with at-large elections also have the largest magnitudes
(and are all listed in the bottom half of the table); six of these are
systems for Euro-elections, and the other four are the extremely large-magnitude
Dutch and Israeli election systems. The number of districts in the other
systems range widely, from 2 to 102.
The large magnitudes are partly offset again by the use of legal thresholds.
Eight of the electoral systems shown in Table 2.2 have
such thresholds, but the majority do not. However, as already indicated
in the beginning of this chapter, even in the absence of an explicit legal
threshold, the district magnitude and the electoral formula, especially
magnitude, effectively imply a barrier to smaller parties- For instance,
in a small district with a magnitude of 5 seats (like the average district
in France in 1945-6), it is easy to see that one-fifth of the votes is
sufficient for winning a seat, but that this is very unlikely or even
impossible with only one-tenth of the votes- It is more difficult, however,
to find the exact equivalent:
for a given average district magnitude, what is the effective threshold
at the national level?
There are three problems in determining the effective threshold. First,
the threshold implied by district magnitude is not one specific percentage
but a range of possibilities between the so-called thresholds of representation
and exclusion. The threshold of representation (or inclusion) is the minimum
percentage of the vote that can earn a party a seat under the most favourable
circumstances; the threshold of exclusion is the maximum percentage of
the vote that, under the most unfavourable conditions, may be insufficient
for a party to win a seat. Another way of portraying these two thresholds
is as a lower and an upper threshold: if a party passes the lower threshold,
it becomes possible for it to win a seat; when it passes the upper threshold,
it is guaranteed to win a seat.
Plurality single-member district systems can provide the simplest illustration
of these thresholds. Assume such a district in which five candidates compete.
The lower threshold is 20 per cent because a candidate can win with slightly
more than this vote percentage in the most favourable situation of the
other four candidates evenly splitting the other votes (each receiving
just "nder 20 per cent of the vote). The higher threshold is 50 per
cent ln tne "^t unfavourable situation of our candidate being faced
ne very strong candidate; now only 50 per cent plus one vote guarantees
election. A simple PR illustration is the following: a
fee-member district, three parties, and the d'Hondt formula.
The lower threshold is
20 per cent since it is possible for a party to win a seat with just over
this percentage of the vote if the other two parties are kind enough to
split the rest of the votes evenly, each receiving just beiow 40 per cent
of the vote (or to receive just below 60 per cent and just below 20 per
cent respectively). The higher threshold is 25 per cent: by exceeding
this percentage slightly, a party will win a seat even in the most unfavourable
case of one of the other parties garnering all of the other votes, that
is, almost
75 per cent.
In addition to the problem of determining the exact threshold in the range
between the upper and lower thresholds, there are two additional problems.
One is that, while these thresholds are largely determined by the district
magnitude, they are also influenced to some extent by the electoral formula
and the number of political parties that compete. Second, both the magnitude
and the number of parties may vary considerably from district to district.
In order to deal with these problems, I shall follow Taagepera and Shugart's
lead, although my final solution will be slightly different from theirs.24
They suggest a series of useful and reasonable approximations: that the
number of parties be assumed to be about the same as the district magnitude,
that the average magnitude for the system as a whole be used, that the
formulas also be roughly averaged, and, most importantly, that the effective
threshold be assumed to be half-way between the upper and the lower thresholds.
Under the first of these assumptions, the upper threshold is almost the
same for all formulas: it is equal to or slightly below the Droop quota,
that is (expressed as a percentage), 100%/(M + 1).
Unfortunately, the lower threshold varies much more for the different
formulas. Taagepera and Shugart pick the lower threshold for the LR-Hare
formula: 100%/Mp (where p is the number of parties). This yields too low
an estimate for three reasons. One is that the LR-Hare threshold of representation
is not only the lowest of all of the formulas but much lower than the
others, especially d'Hondt. Second, the tow LR-Hare threshold occurs only
in the highly exceptional situation of all parties having very small remainders,
which allows a smalt party to win a seat with a fraction of a Hare quota;
for instance, in a district with 10 seats and 10 parties and a vote distribution
of 91 per cent for one big party and about 1 per cent for the other 9
small parties, one of these small parties can win a seat with just above
1 per cent of the vote. The
more normal situation is
for the average remainder to be half of a Hare quota-and therefore also
for the lower threshold to be one-half the Hare quota: 100%/2A/. Third,
since LR-Hare is itself an unusual formula, it makes more sense to use
the lower threshold of the most common formula, namely d'Hondt. As it
happens, the d'Hondt lower threshold is only slightly higher than the
more normal LR-Hare threshold just estimated."
This 100%/2M threshold therefore appears to be the natural candidate to
be used for the average lower threshold. The effective threshold now becomes
the mean of the upper threshold-100%/ (M + l)-and the lower threshold-
100%!2M- or:
50% 50%
(M+\) 2M
It should be noted that the Taagepera-Shugart effective threshold, based
on the same Droop quota that I use but on the much lower LR-Hare threshold
of representation, turns out to be appreciably lower than my effective
threshold: after some more streamlining, Taagepera and Shugart arrive
at the attractively simple effective threshold of 50%/Af. It is worth
noting further that their effective threshold is the same as my lower
threshold (the threshold of representation).
In order to determine which of the two alternatives offers the closest
equivalent to the formal thresholds imposed by electoral laws, I compared
two groups of PR systems. The first group consists of the twenty systems
that have clear legal thresholds, independent of the. values of their
district magnitudes and independent of any assumptions about whether the
lower or middle thresholds should be chosen as the effective thresholds.26
The second group consists of thirty-seven systems whose effective thresholds
are inferred entirely or partly from district magnitudes or where assuming
a low threshold, like the threshold of representation, versus a middle
threshold makes a difference in the calculations (as in tne Belgian and
first Austrian systems to be discussed later). In ^e first group, I regressed
the percentage of disproportionality fusing the least-squares index, my
principal measure of dispro-Portionality to be explained in the next chapter)
on the effective "reshold, and I found a regression coefficient of
0.42; this means at ^or every percentage increase in the effective threshold,
disproportionality increased
by 0.42 per cent. I repeated this operation for the second group using
alternatively the lower Taagepera-Shugart threshold and my effective threshold.
The regression coefficients were 0-50 and 0.40 respectively-showing that
the latter measure is the closer equivalent. When the electoral formula
(d'Hondt and LR-Imperiati versus all other formulas) and assembly size
(logged) were also entered into the equations, the regression coefficient
was 0.42 in the first group and 0.54 and 0.42 respectively in the second
group-confirming the better equivalence of my measure of effective magnitude.27
Another way of judging the two alternative measures of effective threshold
is to examine which one yields the higher correlations with the various
measures of disproportionality and multipartism for all fifty-seven PR
systems and for our universe of electoral systems. Here my findings are
that it does not make a great deal of difference whether the Taagepera-Shugart
measure or my measure is used (see Chapter 5). One plausible explanation
of the relatively strong relationships between the Taagepera-Shugart threshold
and mullipartism is that small parties may be encouraged not just by the
prospect of being proportionally represented but by the hope of gaining
any representation at all, even if it is well below full proportionality.
Three further comments on effective thresholds are in order. One is that
neither the Taagepera-Shugart nor my effective threshold works well for
plurality and majority systems. For M = 1, both equations yield the value
of 50 per cent-which is obviously the upper threshold, above which victory
is guaranteed, instead of an average between upper and lower thresholds.
As in the case of PR systems, it is much easier to determine the upper
than the lower threshold because the latter is strongly influenced by
the number of candidates in the race. If we assume a relatively small
number of candidates, say four of five, the lower threshold is about 20
to 25 per cent-yielding an effective threshold, half-way between the upper
and lower limits, of about 35 per cent- This rough but reasonable estimate
is used for all of the majoritarian systems in Table 2.1-including the
early Indian system with the slightly higher M of 1.21, and also including
the Australian majority system where my assumption is that candidate with
35 per cent of the first preferences has a reasonable chance of being
elected with the help of second preferences transferred from weaker candidates."
in order to emphasize the
roughness of this estimate, it is given as a round number without decimals.29
The second comment concerns the effective thresholds in PR systems: in
some cases, these can be given with a high degree of precision (particularly
when there is a national legal threshold expressed in percentage terms),
but when they have to be calculated from average district magnitudes or
on the basis of other criteria (of which some examples will be discussed
shortly), they are also rather rough estimates. Hence-in contrast with
average district magnitudes, numbers of districts, and assembly sizes,
which can all be determined very accurately-the values of the effective
thresholds are given to only a single decimal place- The one exception
is the Dutch electoral system since 1956 (at the bottom of Table 2.2)
in which the national legal threshold, and therefore also the effective
threshold, is exactly two-thirds oC 1 per cent.
Finally, it is worth re-emphasizing that all effective thresholds except
national legal thresholds are not only rough estimates but also midpoints
in a range between no representation and full representation. Hence, falling
short of such an effective threshold does not necessarily entail getting
no representation at all-as it does when the threshold is a national legal
barrier-but being substantially underrepresented.30
In Table 2.2, the effective threshold for each system is the larger of
the value computed from the average magnitude and the legal threshold,
if any. The two district-level thresholds are applied in districts with
such a low average magnitude that the national effective threshold is
actually higher. In the 1986 French case, the 5 per cent district threshold
was meaningless in the 93, out of the total of 96, districts with magnitudes
of about 14 or fewer seats- In the Spanish parliamentary election system,
the 3 per cent district threshold becomes effective only for district
magnitudes above about 24 seats: of the 52 districts, only Barcelona and
Madrid have greater magnitudes. Similarly, the national effective threshold
has "een much higher than the district-level legal threshold in the
two French majority-plurality systems (see Table 2.1 above). The legal
threshold here is the minimum vote in the first round that entitles a
candidate to compete in the second round.3'
^e six national legal thresholds in Table 2.2 are all higher than tne
Active thresholds implied by the district magnitudes, although '"
the Dutch and Israeli cases, the legal threshold does not raise
the barrier a great deal.
The two Israeli systems near the bottom of Table 2.2 provide a good example:
the 1 per cent legal threshold adopted after the 1949 election did raise
the effective threshold, but only from 0.6 to 1 per cent.12 The French
and German Euro-election systems are examples of a much stronger boost
from an implied threshold of only around 1 per cent to a legal threshold
of 5 per cent.
The other single-tier districting systems-those that do not use the d'Hondt
formula-are presented in Table 2.3- The fact that there are only eleven
systems in this table, compared with twenty-one in Table 2.2, is a good
indication of the popularity of the least proportional d'Hondt method.
And fewer than half of the non-d'Hondt systems use the most proportional
LR-Hare formula. (For its Euro-elections, Greece has used a procedure
not quite identical with, but closely akin to, LR-Hare.)33 On th<;
other hand, the district magnitudes of these non-d'Hondt systems, while
displaying almost the same range as those using d'Hondt, are by and large
appreciably lower. The lowest are in the four STV systems;
one important reason is that, in these preferential systems, high magnitudes
are impractical because these entail large numbers of candidates-which
impose heavy burdens on the voters who have to rank order these candidates-
We find the highest magnitudes, as before, in the systems with at-large
The systems are listed in increasing order of district magnitude. Because
most of them do not have legal thresholds, all but one of the effective
thresholds shown in the table are in decreasing order, The one exception
is the system for the 1989 German Euro-election;
Germany switched from the d'Hondt to the LR-Hare formula but maintained
the relatively high 5 per cent national threshold.
The remaining twenty-one PR systems are somewhat more complicated, mainly
because they use two tiers of districts but also
because many of them have
legal thresholds that are not easy to translate into effective thresholds.
The basic rationale for two-tier districting is to combine the advantage
of reasonably close voter-representative contact offered by smaller districts
with the advantage of greater proportionality and minority representation
offered by larger districts.34
Two types of two-tier methods can be distinguished: remainder-transfer
and adjustment-seats systems. The first is used by the seven electoral
systems in Table 2.4. In the lower-tier districts, one of the LR formulas
is applied, but instead of allocating the remaining seats to the parties
with the highest remainders of votes in these districts, all remaining
vbtes and seats are transferred to, and allocated in. higher-tier districts.
The fourteen systems shown in Table 2.5 belong to the second type: here
the districts at the lower level are used for the initial allocation of
seats, but the final allocation takes place at the higher level on the
basis of all of the votes cast in all of the lower-tier districts that
together make up the higher-tier district. Most commonly, a certain number
of adjustment seats are provided at the higher level in order to even
out the disproportionalities that may have occurred at the tower level.
(The numbers of these adjustment seats can be calculated easily by subtracting
the total of the lower-tier seats-the number of districts times the average
magnitude at the lower level-from the total number of seats, i.e., the
assembly size.)35
The tables report the basic characteristics for both tiers, with the more
important higher level listed first. In fact, with regard to the proportionality
of the election outcome and the opportunities for small parlies, the upper
level is the decisive level. The one exception concerns the electoral
formula in remainder-transfer systems. Here the formula at the lower level
predominates: no higher-tier formula is able to favour systematically
the larger over the smaller parties, since the parties with the highest
totals of remaining votes are not necessarily the largest parties. What
is of crucial importance for the proportionality of the outcome is how
many seats will be available at the higher level-which is determined by
the lower-tier formula. Only LR-Hare at the lower level produces a sufficient
number of remaining seats for full proportionality. The seven remainder-transfer
systems exhibit the entire range of LR. formulas: in decreasing order
of proportionality, LI^ Hare, LR-Droop, partly LR-Droop and partly normal
(in the smaller and larger
districts respectively in the first postwar Italian election), normal
LR-Imperiali. and reinforced LR-Imperiali-with only two countries, Italy
and Austria, providing instances of all of these formulas-36
In the adjustment-seats systems, the higher-tier formulas are decisive.
Like the decisive formulas in the remainder-transfer systems, they range
from the least proportional to the most proportional methods. Most are
divisor methods (d'Hondt in Germany and Iceland, and modified Sainle-Lague
in Sweden and Norway) but LR-Hare has also been used fairly frequently
(in Germany since 1987 and in all Danish parliamentary elections). Malta
introduced a contingent higher tier before the 1987 election: if the party
winning a majority of the first preference votes does not win a majority
of the lower-tier seats, it receives a sufficient number of upper-level
adjustment seats to ensure it a parliamentary majority. This provision
became operative in the 1987 election when the Nationalist Party had to
be awarded four adjustment seats to turn its narrow national vote majority
into a majority of parliamentary seats. This method does not fit any of
the standard PR formulas, but it comes closer to LR-Hare than to any of
the other methods.37
In keeping with the basic rationale of two-tier districting, the district
magnitudes at the lower l^vel are fairly small, usually less than 10 seats;
Italy and, since 1971, Austria are the major exceptions. Germany has taken
the idea of small lower-tier districts, providing close voter-representative
contact, to its logical extreme by adopting single-member districts at
the lower level. The other side of the coin, however, is that this requires
a relatively large number of upper-tier seats (or the purpose of proportional
adjustment. In all of the two-tier systems (assuming that, in the adjustment-seats
systems, there are enough adjustment seats), the effects of small magnitude
at the lower level are overridden at the higher level. At the upper level,
the district magnitudes are all sizeable, ranging from a minimum of well
over 20 seats to the huge national district of more than 600 seats in
recent Italian elections. In about two-thirds of the two-tier systems,
the upper-tier district is a national at-large district.
Without legal thresholds, such large upper-tier districts offer from very
good to near-perfect proportionality and excellent op-porlunilics for
even very small parlies. Four of these systems have indeed operated without
legal thresholds. In the case of the l94o
Italian upper-tier district
of 556 seats, this yields the lowest effective threshold-only 0.1 per
cent-of any of our electoral systems. It is therefore not surprising that
most of the two-tier systems do have legal thresholds. These tend to be
more complex than the thresholds in single-tier systems. In order to translate
them into effective thresholds, two further assumptions need to be made.
One is that party support is distributed evenly across a country instead
of being regionally concentrated. The other concerns the frequent use
of multiple criteria for barring small parties from participating in the
allocation of seats at the higher tier. When these are alternative criteria
(for instance, in recent German elections, winning either 5 per cent of
the national vote or three seats in the lower-tier single-member districts),
the criterion that is the easiest to satisfy becomes the basis for determining
the effective threshold. When they are joint criteria (for instance, in
recent Italian elections, winning both 300,000 votes nationally and at
least pne seat at the lower tier), the effective threshold must be based
on the stricter requirement.
On the basis of these assumptions, about half of the two-tier systems
can be assigned effective thresholds fairly easily. For the four systems
without any legal thresholds, the effective thresholds can be calculated
simply from the upper-tier district magnitude (Italy in 1946, the Italian
Euro-election system, Greece in 1989-90, and Malta in 1987). For the six
systems with legal thresholds expressed in terms of a minimum percentage
of the national vote, this percentage automatically becomes the effective
threshold (the three German systems from 1953 on, Denmark since 1964,
Sweden since 1970, and Norway in 1989). For Denmark from 1953 to 1960,
the national threshold of 60,000 votes represented an average of approximately
2.6 per cent of the total valid vote in these three elections and hence
a 2.6 per cent effective threshold. And for the first German electoral
system in 1949, the 5 per cent threshold applied at the regional (Land)
level translates, on the assumption of an even spread of party support,
into a national effective threshold of 5 per cent. (This example shows
that the assumption 01 even distribution of party support is based on
an average ^'tuation. Uneven support can obviously help a small party:
with per cent support in one half and 3 per cent support in the other
11 of a country, a party would not meet a national 5 per cent reshold
but would meet the regional 5 per cent barrier in half of
the country. But it could also hurt: if the percentages were 7 per cent
and 4 per cent respectively, the full national minimum would be met, but
the regional minimum would be met in only half of
the country.)
The remaining eight systems have legal thresholds formulated in more complex
special rules (marked 'SR' in Tables 2.4 and 2.5). Four patterns can be
1. The legal threshold for receiving seats in the national higher-level
district is that a party has already won at least one seat at the lower
level. In the two Italian systems since 1948, a small party has been able
to do so by receiving at least the respective Imperial! quota of the votes
in the largest lower-level district, namely Rome;
this required an average of 2.6 per cent of the vote in 1948 and 1953,
hut only an average of 2.0 percent later when the quota was changed from
the reinforced Imperial! to the slightly higher normal Imperial! quota,
but the magnitude of the Rome district was increased considerably. In
the two Icelandic systems, the requirement of winning at least one lower-level
seat could be achieved most easily by winning a seat in the Reykjavik
district with respectively 8 and an average of 12.22 seats. The effective
thresholds for
these magnitudes are 8.7 and 5.8 per cent.
2. The legal threshold for receiving seats in the national district is
to have won a certain minimum number of voles in one or more specified
areas. The one example here is Denmark from 1945 to 1953: parties needed
to win a Hare quota of the total national vote in one of the country's
three regions. This could be achieved most easily in Jutland, where about
42 per cent of all votes were cast, and where about 1.6 per cent of the
regional vote equalled the
national Hare quota.
3. The legal threshold for receiving seats in higher-level regional districts-not
a national district, in contrast with the first pattern -is winning at
least one seat in one of the region's lower-level districts. The two Austrian
electoral systems, with initially four. and later two upper-tier districts,
belong to this type- In order to convert this rule into a national effective
threshold, another average assumption has to be made: between the situation
where a party barely fails lo win any lower-tier seats and is hence completely
excluded from representation, and the situation where the party just manages
to win such scats in all of the higher-tier districts and therefore fully
participates in the proportional allocation of seats.
iippp ^^ point is meeting
this requirement in half of the ^ats a &r lrlcts (l-eoo from which
about half of the total assembly Iti the ^ d) that have the largest-magnitude
lower districts. 3 TV rst Austrian system, this required enough strength
to win ^istrir-t ^l11013 ln a ten-member and later in an eleven-member
hole) Hp^16 ''"S an effective threshold of 8.5 per cent; this thres-Systp
Fe^kl sharply to about 2.6 per cent in the second Austrian 36 IQ 4'"^^
Hare quota in a much larger district varying from
4 p. seals in six elections was sufficient. the in,^*^'1^ Belgian system
resembles the Austrian except for t^uota, 6r "^imum required at the
lower tier-0-66 of a Hare bgr "(- i^^ot a full Hare or Droop quota-and
the larger num-ItigH, c oc ^wer-tier and upper-tier districts. For the
rest, the ts ^P c '^"^erting the Belgian rules into an effective
threshold ^ thirt ss in the Austrian case. Meeting this requirement in
Perni.ic """^tnber or, more usually, a fourteen-member
district able s P^Y to share in the allocation of about half of the avail-^e?-^
Cretin .'^Tables 2.2 and 2.3 were organized in terms of in-eff^.. s ^"^ict
magnitude. This corresponds with decreasing 4ggi., ^^sholds except where
these are overridden by higher ^lon o es 'ds, Because the various legal
thresholds are so com-Qver..--) ^^ier systems and because they clearly
and strongly ^lec. ^^ffects of the high-magnitude upper-tier districts,
the ^rdp,. ^y^ems in Tables 2.4 and 2.5 are listed in decreasing ^ai ri,
e '^ive threshold-which is the most important feature 'm-g^shes these
systems from each other.
^ ^ . . ^ar^ 'a "^g six electoral systems do not fit either the major-
^'Ufo .r ^K categories: semi-PR in the two Japanese systems, ^i>^ ect
^ in three Greek systems from 1974 to 1985, and a ^6 V} ^ an(! majority
in the French system in 1951 and Suffi0^^!", I shall argue that five
of the six can be regarded
^^Par^"1^ similar t0 PR that t^y can be included in the litLvt analyses
of all PR systems.
40 Electoral Systems
The Japanese limited vote (LV) and single non-transferable vote (SNTV)
systems are usually referred to as semi-PR systems, and SNTV is usually
regarded as a special case of LV. Voters cast their votes for individual
candidates and, as in plurality systems, the candidates with the most
votes win. However, unlike in plurality systems, the voters do not have
as many votes as there are seats in the district (and districts have to
have at least two seats):
this is the reason why the formula is called the 'limited' vote. The more
limited the number of votes each voter has, and the larger the number
of seats at stake, the more LV tends to deviate from plurality and the
more it resembles PR. In the 1946 LV election in Japan, each voter had
only two voles in districts with 4 to 10 seats, and only three in districts
with 11 to 14 seats- SNTV is the special case of LV where the number of
votes cast by each voter is reduced to one. In Japan from 1947 on, SNTV
has been applied in districts with an average of almost four seats. Table
2.6 presents the vital statistics of the two Japanese electoral systems.
LV and SNTV offer good opportunities for minority representation. The
SNTV threshold of exclusion (the upper threshold, above which a candidate
is guaranteed a seat) is the Droop quota:
20.2 per cent in the average Japanese electoral district in all elections
from 1947 on. The LV upper threshold in the 1946 election was a similar
20.5 per cent.40 LV and SNTV have the unusual property of having an extremely
low threshold of representation (the threshold above which it becomes
possible to win a seat): the most extreme example in, say, a three-member
district would be one candidate receiving all but two of the votes, and
hence obviously being elected, and two other candidates receiving one
vote each-and also winning seats' For this reason, Japan has imposed a
legal threshold equalling one-fourth of a Hare quota at the district level.
These are still relatively low thresholds-and much lower than the effective
thresholds calculated on the basis of the average district magnitudes.
In many respects, including the average district magnitude, Japanese SNTV
resembles Irish STV. The principal difference, of course, is that SNTV
appears to be less proportional because no votes can be transferred. However,
this disproportionality does not stem from the usual cause of discrimination
against the smaller parties. In fact, the non-transfer of votes among
candidates tends to present a considerable problem for the larger parties:
a large
party has to make sure
not to nominate too many candidates (which may cause these candidates
to lose in spite of a high total vote for the party's candidates) and
to have its voters cast their votes as evenly as possible for its candidates.
In contrast, a small party only needs to nominate one candidate in order
to maximize its chances of winning a seat. And, in LV systems, a small
party only needs to nominate as many candidates as the number of votes
that each voter has. Therefore, as far as their political effects are
concerned, SNTV and LV can be regarded more legitimately as unusual forms
of PR and not highly proportional forms of PR-but more as a result of
their relatively small magnitudes and high effective thresholds than because
of their electoral formulas-than as non-PR systems. Unless specifically
stated otherwise. I shall include them in all future comparisons of PR
systems, and I shall group them together with the Irish and Maltese STV
As noted in Chapter 1, PR systems are all too readily characterized as
highly complex. But this description does fit Greek reinforced PR from
1974 to 1985.42 These three systems are also quite idiosyncratic, but
they can still be made comparable to the mainstream PR systems. Let me
use the first Greek system, used in the 1974 election, as the basic example.
For clarity's sake, I shall focus on the principal rules and omit the
many minor details
and special provisions.
Superficially, the system looks like a four-tier remainder-transfer system:
seats not allocated at lower tiers by the Hare quota are transferred to
higher tiers (with the exception of the fourth tier, consisting of the
12 so-called 'State seats', which are awarded separately on the basis
of the parties' national vote totals). The big difference with remainder-transfer
systems is that the remaining seals are transferred, but not the remaining
votes. At the middle and high tiers, the remaining seats are allocated
on the basis of the parties' vote totals instead of their remaining votes.
This means that, in a typical lower-tier district with five seats and
four sizeable parties (a reasonable assumption for the Greek situation),
the average remainder would be half a Hare quota, and the total remaining
votes would add up to two Hare quotas: only three seats would be allocated,
and all of the remaining votes would be lost. The crucial point to understand
here is that this system effectively operates like d'Hondt (which, as
explained earlier in this chapter and in Appendix A, also disregards all
votes) in a district that is considerably smaller than its formal district
At the middle tier, this process is repeated: the seats transferred to
this level are allocated on the basis of the parties' votes and Hare quotas
in nine districts. And, at the third tier, the transferred seats are again
allocated on the same basis, but now all still remaining seats are given
to the largest party-a formula much closer to d'Hondt than LR-Hare. At
these two levels, an additional disadvantage for smalt parties is the
17 per cent national threshold.43 At each tier (including, as indicated
above, the highest tier of State seats), the results are calculated on
the basis of the parties' vote totals. This means-the second crucial point
that must be emphasized-that the parliamentary election takes the form
of four separate and parallel elections of four mini-assemblies.
The 1974 Greek system is presented in these terms in Table 2.7. The lower
districts have a formal average magnitude of 5.14 seats (the total assembly
size of 300 seats less the 12 State seats, divided by the 56 districts),
but 2 seats are assumed to go to the second level-which means that the
estimated true district magnitude is only 3.14 and that, while the quota
that is applied is the Hare quota, the true formula is not LR-Hare but
d'Hondt. At the next level, there are now assumed to be 112 seats in 9
districts-an average formal magnitude of 12.44 but an estimated true magnitude
of only 10.44. And, at the third level, the still remaining estimated
number of 18 seats are allocated.'" The effective threshold at each
level is based on the district magnitude or the legal threshold of 17
per cent, whichever is higher. The overall characteristics of the system
are the dominant formula (d'Hondt) and the weighted averages (weighted
according to the number of seats allocated at each level) of the effective
thresholds and the 'assembly sizes' of the four parallel mini-assemblies.
The description of the second and fourth Greek systems in Table 2.7 follows
the same logic. The only important change in the second system was the
substitution of the Droop for the Hare quota at the lower tier. Assuming
the same typical lower-tier district with "ve seats and four sizeable
parties, the average remainder is now half a Droop quota and the total
remaining votes, adding up to two Droop quotas, are still lost, but, because
of the lower quota, four instead of three seats can be allocated. This
was a major change ecause it made the system considerably less disproporlional-by
increasing the lower-tier
magnitude by an estimated one seat (and hence decreasing the effective
threshold at this tier as well as the weighted mean for the whole system)
and by increasing the weighted assembly size by more than a third. The
main change in the fourth Greek system was the abolition of the 17 per
cent legal threshold-again a substantial shift away from disproportionality
because it lowered the effective thresholds at the three higher levels
and, as a result, also the weighted average.45 Recast in terms of these
measurements, the three Greek systems can be compared with the other PR
systems. In spite of the deceptive label of 'reinforced' PR, these systems
are not highly proportional-as a result of the use of d'Hondt, low district
magnitudes, and high effective thresholds-but still, like the Japanese
systems, permitting an appreciable degree of proportionality and minority
Finally, the French electoral system used in the 1951 and 1956 elections
may also be called a reinforced PR system-reinforced not to help the largest
parties, as in Greece, but the medium-sized parties in the political centre.
Unlike the Greek systems, unfortunately, it cannot be made amenable to
comparative analysis together with the other PR systems.
It was engineered by the centre parties in order to maximize their own
representation and to discriminate against the big parties on the left
and right, the Communists and Gaullists. One of the devices they used
for this purpose was apparentement: the possibility of linking two or
more party lists, and of thereby gaining the advantage that majoritarian
and most PR systems give to large parties, but without having to present
joint lists. And while appareniemenss could in principle be negotiated
between any two or more parties, they constituted a much more feasible
option for the centre parties than for the extreme right and left, The
second device was the majority principle: if one party would win an absolute
vote majority in a multi-member district, that party would win all seats;
failing a one-party victory (an unlikely outcome in a "mill-party
system), all seats would be given to the apparenfemeni ^th a majority
of the votes. If neither type of majority materialized, the system would
revert to PR with the d'Hondt formula, but their "Pparentemenss would
still give the centre parties the same advan-^e that d'Hondt gives to
the larger parties. This was the system ^erywhere except in the eight
electoral districts in the Paris
region, where the centre parties were too weak to be able to profit from
the majority rule. Hence the very opposite system was engineered: no apparentements,
no majority rule, and LR-Hare in relatively large districts.
Table 2.8 provides the basic facts for the 1951-6 French system. For Paris,
the system was a straightforward LR-Hare system. For the rest of the country,
the results are broken down according to whether PR-d'Hondt or the majority
rule operated in the districts. The figures are averages for the two elections.
The majority rule came into force in 40 districts, with 173 seats, in
1951, but in only 11 districts, with 59 seats, in 1956.46 The average
district magnitude of the majority-rule districts (4.84 seats) as well
as the range of magnitudes of these districts (from 2 to 10 seats) appear
to contradict my earlier statement concerning the rarity of the use of
majoritarian formulas in larger than single-member districts. However,
in only one case was there a majority party that won all the seats-in
a two-member district in 1951; all other majority winners were majority
apparentements of two or more parties which then divided up the seats
won among themselves according to the respective strengths of their separate
party lists. (For this reason, I have computed the effective threshold
for the majority districts as if they were PR districts, instead of assigning
them the arbitrary 35 per cent attributed to the other majoritarian systems.)
Although more than three-fourths of the seats were allocated by PR, the
majority-rule component in these elections was still so strong and its
application so interwoven with PR in the areas outside of Paris, that
it is impossible to disentangle them. Moreover, the two PR formulas belong
to opposite extremes. For these reasons, the mixed French system used
in the 1951 and 1956 elections will have to be left out of most of the
analyses in Chapters 4 and 5, for instance, when the effects of PR and
majoritarian systems are compared and when PR systems are compared with
each other.
By presenting the seventy electoral systems in terms of groups of systems
with similar key characteristics (majoritarian versus
PR systems, d'Hondt versus
other PR formulas, one-tier versus two-tier systems) and, within each
group, according to other important features (district magnitude and effective
threshold). I have already implicitly pointed at some of the general patterns
in the electoral systems used by the twenty-seven stable democracies in
the 1945-90 period (for their national first-chamber or only-chamber elections).
In this section, 1 shall treat these general
patterns in an explicit and systematic manner.
The most striking general aspect of the electoral formulas is
their widely different frequency of application. Of the three major categories,
PR has been used in about three-fourths of the systems:
of the seventy systems, fifty-two are unambiguously PR, and this number
rises to fifty-five if the three reinforced pR systems of Greece are added.
Majoritarian formulas have been used in twelve systems, and semi-PR only
twice, in Japan. Within the broad major-itarian and PR categories, some
formulas have never been used -even such well-known possibilities as the
majority run-off47 the pure Sainte-Lague, the STV with a quota other than
the Droop quota, and the cumulative vote48-while, among those that have
been in use, two account for more than half of the cases; plurality has
been far more prevalent than the other two majoritarian formulas together
(in seven out of twelve systems and, even more strikingly, in five out
of seven countries), and d'Hondt has been used more often than all of
the other divisor, quota, and STV systems combined (in twenty-seven out
of fifty-two PR systems and, if reinforced PR is added, in thirty out
of mly-five PR systems).
The same general pattern of uneven usage also occurs with regard to district
magnitudes. Majoritarian formulas can in principle be applied in districts
ranging from single-member to at-large. In practice, single-member districts
have been the rule, two-member districts have been rare, larger multi-member
districts even more exceptional, and at-large elections have never been
used. The theoretical range for PR systems is from two-member districts
to at-large, and most of this range has actually been used, but the lowest
magnitudes of between 2 and 5 seals have been rare. Of the fifty-two unambiguous
PR systems, only two have used average magnitudes (the higher-tier magnitudes
in the case of two-tier districts) of less than 5 seals, and only fifteen
have used average magnitudes of less than 10 scats. This means that both
majoritarian and PR systems have avoided district magnitudes thai seriously
limit proportionality and raise disproportionality. Two general conclusions
emphasized by Rae are that all electoral systems tend to be disproportional,
but that some (especially majoritarian ones) tend to be more disproportional
than others (especially PR).49 A third, partly contradictory, conclusion
could be added; as a result of their choice of district magnitudes, all
electoral systems are reasonably proportional-or at least far less disproportional
than they
could potentially be made to be. We do find many relatively small lower-tier
districts in two-tier
PR systems, but their effects are overridden at the higher level. As stated
earlier, the most important reason for instituting two-tier districting
is to combine the advantage of closer voter-representative contact in
smaller districts with the greater proportionality of larger districts.
Comparing single-tier and two-tier systems, we would therefore generally
expect lower-tier magnitudes to be lower and upper-tier magnitudes to
be higher than the magnitudes of one-tier systems. This is indeed the
case. The means for the twenty two-tier systems are 8.28 and 207.83 seats,
compared with a mean of 35.70 seats in the thirty-two one-tier systems.
The medians can express these differences more sensitively, they are 6.37
and 91-50 in the two-tier systems, and 12.20 in the single-tier
systems. Legal thresholds can take away the proportionalizing effect of
large district magnitude again and, not surprisingly, thresholds are most
common in two-tier systems and in high-magnitude single-tier systems.
These legal thresholds tend not to be excessively high, however; the 17
per cent thresholds in the Greek reinforced PR. systems are exceptional.
The highest legal threshold among the fifty-two unambiguous PR systems
is only 8.7 per cent. It is instructive to compare the effective thresholds
of these systems:
the average effective threshold of the twenty-eight PR systems that do
not have legal thresholds (that is, where the effective threshold is entirely
based on the district magnitude) is 7.5 per tent; in the twenty-four systems
with legal thresholds it is 3.8 per ^nt. The medians are 8.4 and 4.0 per
cent respectively. This means lhat while legal thresholds do raise the
effective thresholds, they d0 not raise them to the level, or even close
to the level, of the
^stems without legal thresholds.
The fourth and final major dimension of the electoral system n ^hich this
study focuses-assembly size-varies a great deal.
The parliaments (lower
or only houses) range in total membership from 40 in Malta until the mid-1950s
to an average of 632.85 in the United Kingdom during the entire 1945-90
period (650 in the 1987 election). The sizes of the national delegations
to the European Parliament range from 6 to 81. These numbers are closely
related to population sizes: large countries tend to have larger parliaments
than smaller countries, and the larger members of the European Community
have larger Euro-detegations than the smaller members-although the smaller
countries are still considerably overrepresented. Taagepera has suggested
and proved an even more specific and quite remarkable relationship: the
cube root law of assembly sizes- This law holds that assembly size tends
to be roughly the cube root of the population size.50 The delegations
to the European Parliament are all considerably smaller than the national
Parliaments, of course-closer to a fourth root than a cube root relationship.51
In Chapters 4 and 5, I shall analyse the influence of the electoral system
dimensions on proportionality and multipartism. I shall do so by means
of multivariate comparisons in order to control for any empirical relationships
among the independent variables themselves. At this point, however, let
us take a direct look at the mutual relations of these independent variables:
the electoral formula, the effective threshold (as a composite variable
based on legal thresholds and district magnitudes), and assembly size.
As in later chapters, I shal! include Japanese semi-PR and Greek reinforced
PR among the PR systems (reinforced PR as a d'Hondt and semi-PR as a non-d'Hondt
formula), but I shall also report the results for the fifty-two unambiguous
PR systems without semi-PR and reinforced PR (by means of endnotes); the
latter option never materially affects the results. The mixed system used
by France in the 1951-6 period will be omitted.
The strongest relationship is between the two major categories of electoral
formula (majoritarian versus PR systems) on the one hand and the effective
threshold on the other. The twelve rnaJor-itarian systems all have an
effective threshold of 35 per ce
compared with an average
effective threshold of only 6.6 per cent for the fifty-seven PR systems;
the respective medians are 35 and 5 per cent.52 As explained earlier,
the 35 per cent threshold for the majoritarian systems is an arbitrarily
assigned estimate, and a reasonable argument could be made that the estimate
should be lower, perhaps as low as 30 per cent. However, even this lower
percentage clearly does not change the stark contrast between the majoritarian
and PR systems in this respect.
One might plausibly surmise that, within the broad category of PR systems,
there would be a similar difference between the less proportional (d'Hondt
and LR-Imperiali) and the more proportional formulas (all other formulas,
including the combination of LR-Droop and LR-Imperiali used in Italy in
1946). This turns out not to be the case. The average effective threshold
of 6.5 per cent in the d'Hondt and LR-Imperiali systems is actually lower
than the 6.7 per cent threshold in the other PR systems, but the difference
is slight and not statistically significant. The medians are an identical
5.0 per cent."
The majoritarian-PR dichotomy is also related, but much less strongly,
to assembly size. Table 2.1, which lists the majoritarian systems, suggests
such a relationship because it includes some of the largest countries
with, consequently, the largest assemblies:
India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. The average
assembly size of the majoritarian systems is indeed well above that of
the PR systems: about 323 compared with about 202 members. The respective
medians are even farther apart: about 352 versus 152 members-'"1
However, the correlation coefficient between the majoritarian-PR contrast
as a dummy variable and assembly size is only 0.25 (statistically significant
at the 5 per cent level in a two-tailed test, but only barely). Because
of the wide range of assembly sizes with a concentration of cases at the
lower end of the range, it is more appropriate to use the logged than
the raw assembly sizes. This reduces the correlation coefficient slightly
to 0.23 (which is no longer statistically significant). Nevertheless,
'he important substantive conclusion is that the tendency to dis-Proportionality
of systems with majoritarian formulas is to a small extent compensated
by their larger assembly sizes.
^gain, there is no corresponding difference between the more and [ess
proportional PR formulas. The mean assembly size of the
"^dt and LR-Imperiali systems is about 211, and of the other
PR systems about 191 members.
The medians are an almost identical 150 and 152 respectively."
To turn to the third leg of the triad, we would expect a positive relationship
between the effective threshold and assembly size on the basis of our
earlier findings of positive relationships between the majoriiarian-PR
difference and both effective threshold and assembly size. For all 69
cases, the correlation coefficient is indeed a positive 0-22. and the
correlation between logged assembly size and effective threshold is a
similarly positive 0.19, but neither correlation is statistically significant.
Among the fifty-seven PR systems, the two dimensions are almost completely
The only strong relationship that we have discovered among our three electoral
system dimensions, therefore, is the link between electoral formula and
effective threshold, and this relationship is strong only if the formula
is denned in terms of the majoritarian-PR dichotomy. One the other hand,
the relationship is so strong (the correlation coefficient is a highly
significant 0.92) that this finding has major consequences for the multivariate
analysis in Chapter 5: in order to avoid the problem of multi-collinearity,
the two variables cannot be entered together as independent variables
in any multivariate regression equations.
One of the best-known generalizations about electoral systems is that
they tend to be very stable and to resist change. In particular, as Dieter
Nohlen has emphasized, 'fundamental changes are rare and arise only in
extraordinary historical situations'.56 The most fundamental change that
Nohlen has in mind is the shift from plurality to PR or vice versa. Indeed,
in our universe of twenty-seven countries from 1945 to 1990, this kind
of change has not Just been rare but completely absent. And only one country-France-has
experienced changes back and forth between a majontarian system and PR.
As far as less fundamental changes are concerned, our twenty-seven countries
do show considerable variability by producinB seventy different electoral
systems-an average of more than two and a half electoral systems per country.
And, while these may "
be what Nohlen calls 'fundamental'
changes, they are not minor changes either: they entail clear changes
in electoral formula and/ or changes of at least 20 per cent on the other
dimensions. But the countries differ considerably with regard to their
predilection for change: the number of electoral systems per country ranges
from one to six.
Three broad categories, based on the presentation of the electoral system
characteristics in Tables 2.1 to 2.8, can be distinguished. The first
consists of countries that had only one electoral system during the entire
1945-90 period: three plurality countries (Canada, New Zealand, and the
United States) and two PR countries (Finland and Switzerland). To these
should be added the six countries in which the only change was the adoption
of a new system for the European Parliament elections: Belgium, Ireland,
Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Because the sizes
of the Euro-delegations was set at a level far below the sizes of the
national parliaments, this change necessarily produced a new electoral
system according to my criteria. It should be noted, however, that only
Ireland and the United Kingdom adopted Euro-election systems that are
true miniatures of their parliamentary election systems; the other four
also adjusted their effective thresholds.
The second broad group consists of countries that changed but did not
completely overhaul their electoral systems: two with major-itarian systems
(Australia and India), one with semi-PR (Japan), and five PR countries
(Austria, Costa Rica, Iceland, Italy, and the Netherlands). Each of these
countries could be easily accommodated within the same table earlier in
this chapter. Two countries fit this description except for their Euro-elections:
Denmark and Germany. They can therefore also be placed in this middle
category (although Germany had no less than six different electoral systems).
Six countries that experienced the most radical changes, and whose parliamentary
election systems had to be included in more than one table, make up the
final group. France and Greece are ihe clear leaders with major shifts
from PR to majority-plurality systems and vice versa (France) and from
reinforced PR to a highly Pfoportional form of PR (Greece); moreover,
Greece used five Afferent systems from 1974 to 1990-which is, in relative
terms, a much larger number than the six used by France (and by Ger-y)
1" a time-span of more than forty years. The others arc
Israel, Malta, Norway,
and Sweden. The Norwegian and Swedish cases are especially important because
their reforms represent broader trends; the establishment of two-tier
districting systems (also adopted by Malta on a contingency basis), the
abandonment of the d'Hondt in favour of a more proportional formula (as
in Germany and Greece), and the adoption of a 4 per cent national threshold.
As far as the last reform is concerned, Germany was the only country in
the 1950s that had a 5 per cent national threshold for its parliamentary
elections; since then, national thresholds of 4 or 5 per cent have been
adopted not only by Norway and Sweden but also, for their Euro-elections,
by France, Germany, and the Netherlands.
The above changes point to a trend of greater proportionality in electoral
systems. Let us examine these trends systematically in terms of the three
basic dimensions. The clearest patterns appear with regard to assembly
size. The only significant (that is, 20 per cent or greater) changes in
the total memberships of the national parliaments are increases: in Australia
(twice), Germany, Malta, the Netherlands, and Sweden.57 On the other hand,
all of the new systems adopted for the Euro-elections entailed substantial
The patterns of changes in electoral formula and significant (20 per cent
or greater) changes in effective threshold are more complex. They are
shown in Table 2.9, subdivided according to (1) changes in parliamentary
election systems versus changes to or in Euro-election systems and (2)
changes to more versus less proportional features. Several instances of
change appear twice; for instance, the shift from the first to the second
Austrian electoral system entailed the adoption of both a more proportional
formula and a lower threshold. For the sake of simplicity, however, the
major system shifts in France are listed only as changes in formula. Overall,
the trend has been to greater proportionality; adoptions of more proportional
formulas and thresholds for parliamentary elections have been twice as
numerous as the adoption of less proportional rules, and almost the same
statement can be made for the adoption of Euro-election rules. No plurality
countries are included in Table 2-9. but it is worth recalling that plurality
systems have also tended to greater proportionality-or, more accurately,
less disproportionality-as a result of the universal abolition of multi-member
Another way of summarizing
the major trends in systems for
parliamentary elections is to compare the system used for the first with
that for the last election in each country in the 1945-90 period. Of the
sixteen countries that underwent changes, only nve ended up with a less
proportional system than they started out with: France, Denmark, Israel,
Italy, and Japan. Moreover, with the exception of France and Japan, the
shifts away from proportionality were relatively small, mainly involving
minor increases in effective thresholds. Eleven countries ended up with
more proportional systems: Australia, Austria, Costa Rica, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, India, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.
It is by no means certain, of course, that these trends will persist.
For the 1992 elections, Israel increased its national threshold from 1
to 1.5 per cent, and Malta did not have to use its contingent upper tier.
Following its highly proportional 1990 election, Greece has already changed
its electoral law back to reinforced PR. And in 1992 Austria adopted a
new electoral law with a national threshold of 4 per cent-higher than
its previous effective threshold of 2.6 per cent (see Table 2.4). However,
regardless of the strength of the trend towards greater proportionality,
it is clear that many countries are making, if not fundamental reforms,
at least major adjustments in their electoral laws. It is important to
describe these not just in terms of their basic tendencies towards proportionality
or disproportionality-as I have done throughout this chapter -but to measure
the influence of the three electoral system dimensions on the proportionality
of election outcomes and on multipartism as precisely as possible. This
will be the task of Chapters 4 and 5, after the various indices of proportionality
and mullipartism are presented in Chapter 3.
Disproportionality, Multipartism, and Majority Victories
THE two main political consequences of electoral systems on which this
study focuses are (1) their effects on the proportionality or disproportionality
of the electoral outcomes and (2) their effects on the party system, particularly
the degree of multipartism and the tendency to generate majority victories.
Four measures will be proposed and applied for each of these effects.
Disproportionality means the deviation of parties' seat shares from their
vote shares, and it appears prima facie to be a simple and straightforward
concept, while multipartism and other party system characteristics appear
to be considerably more complex and multifaceted. Rather surprisingly,
however, the question of how best to measure disproportionatity has been
much more difficult and controversial than the question of how to measure
the key party system characteristics. As a consequence, the four indices
of disproportionality that I shall present in this chapter are alternative
ways of trying to measure the same phenomenon. I shall argue that one
of them-the least-squares measure-is preferable to the others, and I shall
rely on it as my principal measure of disproportionalily in Chapters 4
and 5. But 1 shall also occasionally report the results for the other
indices, and the values f all four are listed in Appendix B-allowing
readers who prefer one of the alternatives to do their own reanalysis
of the data with their favourite index. In contrast, the four measures
of party system characteristics are measures of different, albeit not
unrelated, aspects of the party systems: the effective number of elective
parlies, the effective number of parliamentary parties, the tendency of
the electoral system to manufacture a parliamentary majority for par-^s
that have not received majority support from the voters, and e tendency
to generate a parliamentary majority party regard-
ess of Nether the party's majority of the seats was manufactured or earned.
152 Electoral Engineering
chosen which will hopefully guide the new democracy's elections for a
long time (or, in the case of a redemocratizing country, a new system
that will hopefully work better than the old one), it is important to
examine alt of the options as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
This examination should include a careful look at the great variety of
electoral rules and experiences of the world's stable and consolidated
democracies. Therefore, to the extent that this study of seventy electoral
systems in twenty-seven democracies will have some practical utility,
it may have more to offer to electoral engineers in the new democracies
than in these twenty-seven old democracies.